Guessing Number

You have 3 guesses to correctly identify a secret number between 0 and 9. For each wrong guess you get a hint as to what the correct number is. Find out how strong you guessing game is!


    # import modules
    import tkinter as t
    from random import randrange

    tk = t.Tk()
    tk.title("Guessing Game")

    lblInst = t.Label(tk, text = "Guess a number from 0 to 9",)
    lblLine0 = t.Label(tk, text = "*********************************************************************")
    lblNoGuess = t.Label(tk, text = "No of Guesses: 0")
    lblMaxGuess = t.Label(tk, text = "Max Guess: 3")
    lblLine1 = t.Label(tk, text = "*********************************************************************")
    lblLogs = t.Label(tk, text="Game Logs")
    lblLine2 = t.Label(tk, text = "*********************************************************************")

    # Create the buttons
    buttons = []
    for index in range(0, 10):
        button = t.Button(tk, text=index, command=lambda index=index : process(index),
                            state=t.DISABLED, bg='#99ffbb', fg='#1a001a')

    btnStartGameList = []
    for index in range(0, 1):
        btnStartGame = t.Button(tk, text="Start Game", command=lambda : startgame(index), bg='#66ffff')

    # Append elements to grid
    lblInst.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5)
    lblLine0.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=5)
    lblNoGuess.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3)
    lblMaxGuess.grid(row=2, column=3, columnspan=2)
    lblLine1.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=5)
    lblLogs.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=5)  # row 4 - 8 is reserved for showing logs
    lblLine2.grid(row=9, column=0, columnspan=5)

    for row in range(0, 2):
        for col in range(0, 5):
            i = row * 5 + col  # convert 2d index to 1d. 5= total number of columns
            buttons[i].grid(row=row+10, column=col)

    btnStartGameList[0].grid(row=13, column=0, columnspan=5)

    # Main game logic

    guess = 0
    totalNumberOfGuesses = 0
    secretNumber = randrange(10)
    lblLogs = []
    guess_row = 4
        # Functions
    # Reset all variables  
    def init():
        global buttons, guess, totalNumberOfGuesses, secretNumber, lblNoGuess, lblLogs, guess_row
        guess = 0
        totalNumberOfGuesses = 0
        secretNumber = randrange(10)
        lblNoGuess["text"] = "Number of Guesses: 0"
        guess_row = 4

        # remove all logs on init
        for lblLog in lblLogs:
        lblLogs = []

    def process(i):
        global totalNumberOfGuesses, buttons, guess_row
        guess = i

        totalNumberOfGuesses += 1
        lblNoGuess["text"] = "Number of Guesses: " + str(totalNumberOfGuesses)

        # check if guess match secret number
        if guess == secretNumber:
            lbl = t.Label(tk, text="Your guess was right. You won! :) ", fg="green")
            lbl.grid(row=guess_row, column=0, columnspan=5)
            guess_row += 1

            for b in buttons:
                b["state"] = t.DISABLED
            # give player some hints
            if guess > secretNumber:
                lbl = t.Label(tk, text="Secret number is less than your current guess :)", fg="red")
                lbl.grid(row=guess_row, column=0, columnspan=5)
                guess_row += 1
                lbl = t.Label(tk, text="Secret number is greater than your current guess:)", fg="red")
                lbl.grid(row=guess_row, column=0, columnspan=5)
                guess_row += 1

        # game is over when max no of guesses is reached
        if totalNumberOfGuesses == 3:
            if guess != secretNumber:
                lbl = t.Label(tk, text="Max guesses reached. You lost! :)", fg="red")
                lbl.grid(row=guess_row, column=0, columnspan=5)
                guess_row += 1

            for b in buttons:
                b["state"] = t.DISABLED

        buttons[i]["state"] = t.DISABLED

    status = "none"

    def startgame(i):
        global status
        for b in buttons:
            b["state"] = t.NORMAL

        if status == "none":
            status = "started"
            btnStartGameList[i]["text"] = "Restart Game"
            status = "restarted"
        print("Game started")
