
You have 3 guesses to correctly identify a secret number between 0 and 9. For each wrong guess you get a hint as to what the correct number is. Find out how strong you guessing game is!


    # import modules
    import random
    import time
    from tkinter import Tk, Button, DISABLED

    # Create main window
    tk = Tk()

    # Set window title and icon

    # Variables
    first = True
    prev_x = 0
    prev_y = 0
    buttons = { }
    button_symbols = { }

    # Matchmaker Symbols
    symbols = [u'\u2702', u'\u2705', u'\u2708', u'\u2709', u'\u270A', u'\u270B',
                u'\u270C', u'\u270F', u'\u2712', u'\u2714', u'\u2716', u'\u2728',
                u'\u2702', u'\u2705', u'\u2708', u'\u2709', u'\u270A', u'\u270B',
                u'\u270C', u'\u270F', u'\u2712', u'\u2714', u'\u2716', u'\u2728']


    # Function to display Icons
    def show_symbol(x, y):
        global first
        global prev_x, prev_y
        buttons[x, y]['text'] = button_symbols[x, y]
        buttons[x, y].update_idletasks()

        if first:
            prev_x = x
            prev_y = y
            first = False
        elif prev_x != x or prev_y != y:
            if buttons[prev_x, prev_y]['text'] != buttons[x, y]['text']:
                buttons[prev_x, prev_y]['text'] = ' '
                buttons[x, y]['text'] = ' '
                buttons[prev_x, prev_y]['command'] = DISABLED
                buttons[x, y]['command'] = DISABLED
            first = True

    for x in range(6):
        for y in range(4):
            button = Button(command=lambda x=x, y=y: show_symbol(x, y)
                            , width=10, height=8, bg='#b3ffb3', fg='#cc0000')
            button.grid(column=x, row=y)
            buttons[x, y] = button
            button_symbols[x, y] = symbols.pop()
            buttons[x, y]['font'] = 'Times 12 bold'
